Scientist fluent in computer related topics with a strong emphasis on information visualisation and analysis
Technical skills
Advanced scripting (Python , Shell $_)
Web-based technologies (HTML , JS )
OO programming (C++, C#, Java)
Long term Windows and Linux user
Comfortable with various tools to compute, analyse and visualise data (Scilab, R, Python, Tulip)
Domains of interest
Information visualisation
Data analysis
Visual analytics
And also: statistics, tests and verifications, cryptography, computer security, virtualisation, etc.
Personal occupations
Voracious reader (mostly fiction and fantasy)
Musical practice (various stringed instruments: guitar, piano, ukulele, mandoline, violin)
Diverse sports depending on location and availability (rock-climbing, canyoning, scuba-diving, swimming)
I obtained my doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in Computer Science (EQF 8) from the University of Bordeaux. During my PhD studies, I was attached to the EDMI doctorate school and affiliated to the LaBRI, a research laboratory depending from the University of Bordeaux. More precisely, I was part of the research group EVADoMe within the MABioVis team.
More information is available on my Research page.
After a parallel cursus at the french engineering school 3iL and the Université du Quebec à Chicoutimi, I got a joint graduation with a degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.) and a french Engineer diploma (Dipl.-Ing.) in Computer Science (120 European Credits - EQF 7).
I got my degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Computer Science (180 European Credits - EQF 6) from the University of Limoges.
Position as a post-doctorate mainly taking place in an industrial context at Le Lyre (one of Suez's research centers) on the topic of drinkable water distribution and leakage prevention. I have been assigned to different data related missions (mining, cleaning, analysing and machine learning) with the production of a few prototypes tailored to visualise the results for analysis and communication purposes.
On the academic side, I have designed the architecture and co-developed a visual-analytic platform devised to help users fine-tune deep-learning trainings for model reduction.
Integration of a start-up incubator/accelerator to develop IntuiNet. Further business development and search for commercial leads.
Continuation of the project to transfer technology from academia to the industry; furthering of the conception and development of the online visual analytics platform IntuiNet ( Activity of business development and search for commercial leads.
Co-redaction and submission of a second proposal to Aquitaine Science Transfert to further the development of the visual analytics platform prototype and initiate some commercial activity.
First step of our transfer project: conception and development of an online visual analytics platform supporting custom models, multi-layer data, isomorphism queries, and online collaborations.
Initiation of a project aiming to expand and transfer the technology developed during the Opencare project from academia to the industry. With two colleagues, Guy Melançon (University of Bordeaux, Professor) and Norbert Féron (research engineer), redaction of a proposal and submission of the project to Aquitaine Science Transfert for financing two software developers to create a prototype.
Development of GraphRyder, an online platform to visualise and analyse annotated conversations for the European project Opencare (Horizon H2020).
Teaching of basic algorithmic and programming courses to undergraduate students.
Software developments concerning the information visualisation tools: Tulip and Porgy.
Teaching of basic algorithmic and programming courses, mostly given to undergraduate students.
Following the internship, this position has allowed to continue previous work and to widen the applications. The work carried out led to a paper publication.
Student internship of 26 weeks concluding the master’s degree and engineer’s degree completion, supervised by Sylvain Hallé. The internship subject was about execution monitoring, tests and trace verification concerning OpenJDK (open source implementation of the Java platform).
Student internship of 8 weeks for the 2nd year of engineering school, supervised by Carlos Aguilar. The internship goal was to study, describe and document an homomorphic encryption library.